Interspecies Reviewers

If you haven’t already heard of Interspecies/Ishuzoku Reviewers, it’s quite infamous; before Redo of Healer, this was essentially the de-facto anime that became controversial for being extremely sexual/graphic in nature despite being released as a legitimate anime rather than a hentai.… Read more.

My Dress-Up Darling

I had a great moment at work once where a buddy of mine—the manager, in fact—asked me “If Hatsune Miku showed up right now and wanted your dick, would you skip work?” and my immediate response was “Is that even a question?”… Read more.


You know how I like to call myself a “professional masochist”? That’s a lie. I’m a liar. I like a good challenge, not flagellating myself with nothing to be gained in the process; and that’s exactly what the experience of watching Rent-a Girlfriend is like.… Read more.